
Sorry If I Haven't Visited Your Website in a Few Days

To All of my followers...I apologize if I haven't visited your website in a few days.  I have been a little busy of late. :-(

Also, I will try to sit down and write Part 2 of my technology post(s) in the next couple of days.


PS.  I think I'll change the background again.  The desert scene is getting a little blasé.


  1. Crap. I still don't have a smart phone, technology is gonna pass me by haha.

  2. I should probably change the plain blue background of my blog too. :\

  3. S'okay (foot tapping, checking my watch), we can wait..

  4. No worries. And nice new background!


  5. He escrito este pequeño texto:

    Para poner de manifiesto el anhelo que con humilde decisión ha brotado del interior del alma.

    Al querer compartir estos días de Semana Santa contigo, unidos por la corriente de la paz y la razón del amor entre todos los seres de luz que pueblan el planeta.

    Un abrazo para saludarte
    Un beso para acompañarte.

    María del Carmen

  6. Work, work, work, work...

    I really understand you!

  7. Dammit. (lol--dear Lord, how the world intrudes, eh?) And funny how the soul needs more than a desert, even when just on a screen.

  8. You are fine Anthony. I have to read your part I and II anyway.

    I hope you had a nice holiday weekend.
