
My Bracket Has Been Busted

Well, I have had better NCAA brackets over the years-that is for sure.  You know it's not a going to be a good year when you check your bracket only to find out that it is ranked in the bottom 2.5% in a prominent, national bracket contest.  I have improved to about 11% or so now...Perhaps I will get really lucky and will be able to move up to around 25% (from the bottom, not the top 25%)...Needless, to say, I should not have picked so many upsets (and should not have counted on mid-majors breaking through the ceiling this year).  How are your brackets coming along?  Hopefully, you are doing better than me.

Basketball player-Microsoft Office


  1. Qué bello puede llegar a ser el día
    cuando la bondad lo ha iluminado...
    ► ♣ ◄

    Qué la Gloria del sábado Santo
    nos ilumine a todos...
    ► ♣ ◄

    Deseo pases una tarde
    donde se acomoden los
    sentimientos en el
    seno de los ruiseñores.
    ► ♣ ◄

    María Del Carmen

  2. Un fuerte abrazo Anthony y Feliz Pascua.

