
My Fantasy Football Teams

For those of you who are wondering how my fantasy football teams are doing.  Two out of the three teams made the regular playoffs. One of those teams lost in the semifinals and one is playing in the finals.  The finals match-up is below (with the league and players' names redacted to protect my opponent's anonymity--my team is on the left).  

I think I have a good shot at winning it all in this league.  If I win this match-up, my record over the last four years will be: 7 Leagues --> 3 1st place finishes, 3 3rd/4th place finishes, 1 10th place finish.



  1. Peace and quiet at home, kindness, understanding and Peaceful Christmas.
    Santa Claus lead to 3-0;)

  2. Nicely done Anthony--I hope you won. I lost the Super Bowl in both my leagues. Drat.
