
Books I Would Like to See Made into Films

I am a huge fan of the fantasy genre.  I read my first fantasy novel in the summer of my 5th grade year and have been hooked ever since.  For a while now, I have been hoping that producers would decide to translate some of the most popular fantasy novels into films.  While Hollywood has turned two of the biggest series (LOTR and Harry Potter) into big budget movies, there are many more, good fantasy novels that could easily be turned into hit movies.  Even people who aren't huge fans of the fantasy genre might agree with me in a few years, as they sit in theaters watching the 5th reboot of the 'Superman' series or the tenth reboot of 'Spider-Man,' etc. 

In an effort to make this blog post more dynamic and to create dialogue (as opposed to a one-sided discussion of the topic), I will only posit one fantasy series that I think would look good on the big screen.  I will let you fill in the remainder.  Feel free to add additional ones in the 'Comments' section (or write anything you'd like in the Comments section).  If you can add pictures in the comments section, even better. :)

The original Dragonlance trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.  

While I don't consider these novels to be literary masterpieces, they are pretty good.  Perhaps more importantly (to movie producers anyway), the trilogy spawned a bevy of other books, including other Dragonlance novels as well as the Forgotten Realms series (whose books once spanned an entire section of the fantasy/sci-fi aisle at my local bookstore).  Millions of readers have either read the Dragonlance series or are familiar with the narrative/world.  As such, anyone who produced this movie would already have, at hand, three good narratives as well as access to a large, captive audience.  The movie would require a large special effects budget; however, I think the money would be worth it.  In saying that, whoever takes this project on must do a better job than the team who created an animated, straight to video version of the first book. 

The book cover is courtesy of Books 'A Million.  You can find the link here:


  1. I never heard of Dragonlance but there are certainly some books I want turned into movies too! So many amazing films emerged from novels

  2. Would be great.

    Also make the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy into a movie. a REAL movie!

  3. The Forgotten Realms! Drizzt and Bruenor and Wulfgar....I could go on and on...although I admit I quit reading when I knew that ******spoiler***** well, let's just say my favorite character was meeting his end.

  4. also following,, keeping an eye on this blog.

  5. I'm a small fan of fantasy but I can't get enough of Spiderman. If the only fantasy movie in existence was Spiderman I'd be in poverty with a basement filled with the Spiderman series and movies.

    Nice post, you have a new follower, Anthony.

  6. I've heard of this trilogy, but I've never read it. It sounds like a great series. :)

    I'd love to see The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor made into a movie. (It's tied to Alice In Wonderland, but the take is unique, so I don't think it would clash with the movie by Tim Burton.)

    Thanks for coming by my blog!

  7. i never heard of this book but ve very interesting if executed really well !!!

    I know loads of books id love to see turned into movies or even TV series :D but only if they stayed 100% true to the book because so far, not many have :(

  8. Já estou te seguindo,
    me segue também?

  9. I'd pay to see it, but not until after March. Good write-up.

  10. I will invite you to Islam

  11. Anthony,
    Dragonlance trilogy sounds exciting!! In the trilogy, dragons are bad, I guess. In Japan, dragons are deities of water which are worshipped. I feel it interesting that in different culture, there are different dragons with different nature. I like The Chronicles of Narnia.
    It takes less one minute to make the dragon imprint as they stencil the dragon on the top of the cappuccino.
    Keiko from Nara, Japan

  12. Obrigado querido,
    pelo carinho lá no blog,
    beijos e bom dia
